The Greatness of A Hero

I've only watched the first 2 episodes so far and I'm very happy to see Bernice and Leila again! It looks pretty good so far and I'm actually pretty surprised that this series got warehoused instead of Big White Gourd. One one hand, they actually seem pretty similar since they are both ancient series with Sunny Chan (and Wayne Lai?) in it, but The Greatness of a Hero seems to have the better cast. I wonder how they decide what series to warehouse...

When I first saw the pictures for this series, I thought the hair was a little ridiculous (and big!) on the ladies, but when watching the series, it actually doesn't look that bad. The costumes are very pretty and the series has a grand production type feeling because of it. I'm loving Bernice so far, and her Chinese has improved so much from when I remember watching her from Virtues of Harmony. She still has a little bit of an accent but this time, she actually knows which part to enunciate and show some emotion. Sunny Chan also just showed up in episode 2 and that makes me giddy since he is one of my favorite actors! Even though he gets stereotyped in these easygoing, joking roles, I don't mind since it just makes me have even more of a crush on him! Sonjia Kwok plays Kent's wife, and I think she acts really well in ancient series because she can play someone sophisticated, and she looks really pretty here as well! I also like they theme song, sung by Hins Cheung. I wonder if Bernice or anyone else sings a subtheme?

The first 2 episodes are basically a set up for what will happen for the rest of the series so I can't really tell if the series is going to be any good, but it is very promising so far!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"...I thought the hair was a little ridiculous (and big!) on the ladies..."

LOL The hair isn't that bad, as compared to "Beyond the Realm of Conscience".

Haha, I'm addicted to this series already :D

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