Apr 26, 2009

TVB Rumored Couples Earnings

This is just a rumored salary list of artist's earnings to appear at functions, either alone or together.

Kevin Cheng (alone): $50,000
Charmaine Sheh (alone): $60,000
As a couple: $130,000

Moses Chan (alone): $70.000
Bernice Liu (alone): $70,000
As a couple: $180,000

Raymond Lam (alone): $80,000
Linda Chung (alone) $50,000
As a couple: $170,000

Bosco Wong (alone): $60,000
Myolie Wu (alone): $60,000
As a couple: $150,000

No wonder these couples usually answer a little slyly when asked if their romance is true- they make a lot of money! I'm surprised that Kevin doesn't make that much and that Charmaine makes the same as Bosco and Myolie. I would have thought that that she would have made more since she is considered the top fadan at TVB. This is also why I don't think TVB doesn't mind if their artists are actually going out, since they get a big cut of their earnings. Actually, they probably only don't mind if the 2 rumored artistes are popular. For example, Shirley would probably make more money if she were to be paired up with Ron instead of her longtime boyfriend who is more of an extra. Now that Kenneth and Nancy are rumored to be going out, who is Kate going to be paired with? Only popular fadans can be paired with popular siu sangs!

Source: Sudden Weekly Issue 717
Credits: RaymondLam.org

Apr 25, 2009

Upcoming Series

Rosy Business
Title: 《巾幗梟雄》(前名《妻妾成群》、《紅粉商人》)

Broadcast Period: April 2009 to May 2009.

播出時期 2009年4月27日-2009年5月29日

播出時間 逢星期一至五 21:30-22:30

Episodes: 25

Genre: Ancient 清裝


Elliot Yue (岳華)
Susan Tse (謝雪心)
Kara Hui (惠英紅)
Kiki Sheung (商天娥)
Sheren Tang (鄧萃雯)
Pierre Ngo (敖嘉年)
Ron Ng (吳卓羲)
Kelvin Leung (梁証嘉)
Wayne Lai (黎耀祥)
Nancy Wu (胡定欣)
Suki Chui (徐淑敏)
Cheung Yick (張翼)
Lee Sing Cheung (李成昌)
Suet Nay (雪妮)
Helen Ma (馬海倫)
Angel Chiang (蔣家旻)
Samuel Kwok (郭峰)
Jessie Sum (沈卓盈)
Wong Fung King (黃鳳瓊)
Wong Chi Wai (黃梓瑋)
Chang Yuen Sa (曾婉莎)
Lam Ying Hung (林影紅)
Chan Wing Kei (陳榮峻)


一 場天災,粉碎了本是小家碧玉康寶琦與無錫米王蔣喬的婚約;一次斷糧,滅絕了她全家的性命而淪落為朝廷欽犯。多年來,在寶琦的內心只惦念著當年棄約的蔣喬, 總在設法親自求證自己所愛之人絕非無情之士,直至一次偶然的機會,寶琦與蔣喬再遇,得以再續前緣,順利嫁入蔣家成了四姨太。自入門後,寶琦常遭大奶奶殷鳳 儀及二少奶彭嬌的無理加害,但她心思慎密、不拘小節,眼觀全局,總是化危為機。喬深明大義,心裡由衷敬佩寶琦的識見及堅持,當他病危離世前決將米業交由她 託管,希望她找出最適當的接任人。

這個千斤重任令寶琦腹背受敵,但她不負所託,竭力掌管家業及細心尋覓接任人,終讓她發現外表只管吃喝玩 樂的二子蔣必正原是為人正直、重情重義之士,且在米行內極具親和力,寶琦便一面扶植必正上位,一面力擋當年在蔣家受盡折磨,存心報仇的柴九。柴九事事衝著 蔣家而來,處處對蔣家不利,二人鬥智鬥力,時而短兵相接,時而拳腳交加,最終強強相對後,二人竟變成惺惺相惜,柴九更因而對寶琦產生傾慕之情..


Hong Po Kei's engagement with Wuxi rice baron Tseung Kiu broke off many years ago when a natural disaster hit the country. Later when the country was running out of food supply her whole family was killed and she become a criminal. Over the years, Kei has never got over Kiu. She has been trying to prove he is not as heartless as the others think. Fate has it that they meet again and she becomes his fourth wife. Kiu's first and second wives, Yan Fung Yee and Pang Kiu, always make things difficult for Kei. Kei, who is an extremely clever person who never wastes time on trivial things, turns every threat into an opportunity. This makes Kiu appreciate her wisdom and persistence. He entrusts his business to her and tells her to find a suitable successor for him before he dies.

Despite all the attacks in the family, Kei manages to keep the business in good shape. She has never forgotten Kiu's last wish, too. By chance, she discovers that Tseung Pit Ching, Kiu's second son, is not really a playboy but an upright person loved by everyone in the shop. She therefore guides and helps him in every possible way, but her efforts are met with Chai Kau's challenges. Kau seeks vengeance for being mistreated and wants a pay back from Tseung family. After rounds after rounds of battle wits and actual fights, Kei and Kau begin to appreciate each other. Kau even falls for Kei as time goes by.

Just Love 2
Title: 老婆大人II

演出:宣 萱、陳錦鴻、滕麗名、李思捷、唐詩詠、許紹雄、鄧健泓、李詩韻

Broadcast Period: May 2009 to June 2009.

播出時期 2009年5月4日-2009年6月5日

播出時間 逢星期一至五 20:30-21:30

Episodes: 25

Genre: Modern 時裝


裁 判官高希敏婚後得到廿四孝丈夫葛國光的無限量支持,在事業上愈戰愈勇,縱然面對法庭內刁鑽棘手的案件及千奇百怪的對手也無畏無懼,全因她堅守"法律面前人 人平等"的信念;在家庭上無牽無掛,縱然面對家婆的無聲抗議及千篇一律的家務瑣事也從容自在,全因她奉行"男主內,女主外"的理念;她把一切看作理所當然 之時,命運讓她經歷了一次又一次不能單用法理去解釋的嚴峻考驗。

一名患有輕度精神病的何秀秀,因希敏對她的身世起了憐憫之心,竟大開門戶 讓她闖進其生活圈子,為她製造無限進佔自己家庭、甚至取替其作為妻子及母親地位的機會;繼而是國光因車禍入院重傷,被親戚葛德云教唆接連欺騙希敏,令兩夫 妻陷入分裂邊緣;最後是不打不相識的騙徒何時富,一個在希敏眼中低下卑鄙的流氓,竟然是堂堂高官的親生父親..



Career-minded magistrate Ko Hei Man gains full support from her loyal husband Kot Kwok Kwong so that she is able to concentrate fully on her works. At court, Man strongly believes that everyone is equal before the law and she tackles every challenge confidently. At home, she never bothers about the household duties which are all taken by husband and any complaints filed by mother-in-law. Man just takes things for granted but fate continuously to convince her that law cannot be applied to every situation.

Man feels sympathized with Ho Sau Sau who suffers from slight mental disorders. Trying to help, Man allows her to come into her family but this creates an opportunity for Sau to replace Man's role as a wife and a mother completely. Kwong is seriously injured during a car accident. His relative Kot Tak Wan lectures Kwong how to fight against Man and this leads to serious communication breakdown between the couple. Swindler Ho Shi Fu appears in Man's life as a hopeless villain from the lower class but he is in fact the father of a senior official.

"Just Love II" is a story about law and human nature. How would the couple tide over the difficulties?

My thoughts: I'm excited for both series. Each one has one of my favorite actors: Wayne Lai and Sunny Chan! I'm hoping that Rosy Business is really good and I'm thinking it will be. It has 2 of TVB's best actors: Sheren Teng and Wayne Lai- is this going to be the year that Sheren wins Best Actress? I liked Just Love okay enough but I didn't think it needed a sequel, but I'm still looking forward to this because I miss Jessica. I hope these 2 boost the TVB ratings up!

Apr 23, 2009

Laughing Cast Poll

So I can't read Chinese but I'm not sure if this is a poll for fun or if the results will actually have any bearing on the real cast. Here's a look at the results so far but here's the link if you want to give your input: http://event.tvb.com/laughing/polling/cast/

I can't recognize some of the girls but I think the second one is Macy Chan, then Nancy Wu, Kate Tsui, and Aimee Chan. That's kinda interesting that TVB puts those actresses into consideration and it kinda shows who they might promote. Nancy is my favorite of those actresses but I much prefer that they cast Aimee Chan as the girlfriend for continuity's sake. She might not be the best actress but I think she's good enough and has been improving in Off Pedder. This is also a chance for TVB to promote someone else. I don't want Kate because she played Ron's (annoying) cousin in On The First Beat and I think a lot of people will complain about that.

Apr 23, 2009

TVB Blog Update- Myolie's No. 1!

I was looking at TVB's blog and I have been seeing that Myolie's No. 1! I've been seeing that a few times recently but I keep missing the opportunity to make a screencap of it since it changes quite often, but I was very happy for her! I was also wondering how Gigi stays in the Top 10 for so long when she hasn't posted in a long time. She must have some really dedicated fans!

Source: http://artiste.tvb.com

Apr 11, 2009

E.U. (Best Series Ever!) Review

Spoiler Alert! Please don't read until after you're done with the series since I don't want to ruin anything and I think this is THE series to watch.

E.U. is not only the best series of the year so far, it is also now one of my favorite series ever. It had a strong beginning, middle and end and captured my attention that made me excited to watch every episode. It had a nice even pace in which it rarely got boring, unlike other series where it can have a slow buildup or where only certain episodes were good. Not only did it have a memorable storyline, it had interesting characters that I cared about with a lot of good character development which made it easier to relate to the different people. I would have to say that this is the best one of The Academy series and one of my favorite series ever. I have to commend the whole production from the cast to the crew who did a wonderful job with the cinematography, to the consistency of the storyline where every scene makes sense and plays into the overall storyline.

I think they could have easily made this movie to be like Infernal Affairs, but you could tell that they worked hard to make this story different with its own twists.

The Cast:
The Originals:

Ron Ng: His character is still the same guy who reacts without thinking but you can still see that he has matured. I've never had a problem with his acting in which others considered it too wooden, but I thought he did a really good job this time, especially his crying scene while holding Michael Tse and the ending when he was reading Elanne's last message to him. I think his romance with Elanne was very sweet, but I was actually happy that they didn't end up together at the end. I don't think I had high hopes for this couple only because I knew that it would never work out with all the lies that were told. It didn't leave a deep impression to me, but maybe I'm still holding on to the hope that he gets back together with Tavia! ha! I love his bromance with Sammul the best only because you can see how much their friendship has grown and gotten closer over the years. Even though they are polar opposites, they reminded me of an old married couple who still loves each other even when they fight. I like the development of their friendship from the first one where they didn't like each other in the beginning, to the second one where their friendship was more fragile and easily broken because of jealousy and petty fights, to this one where there friendship is strong. When Ron had to break off his friendships, I'm glad that Sammul still believed in him because he knew who the real Ron was.

Sammul Chan- He kept his straight-laced demeanor while also loosening up because he is now able to get along with his coworkers and was even able to break a rule, when before he would do everything by the book. I think his character is more boring compared to the other characters because of how he is, but the last half of the series gave more time for Sammul to shine. I liked when his character toughens up instead of just being a goody-goody since it adds more to the role. I think one of my favorite scenes of his is when he calls Joel Chan's bluff about having a bomb in the bowling bag because that was the turning point in which I got more invested in his character. His romance with Kaki Leung was just okay since anyone is going to take a backseat for his love for Ron. I kid.. =). At least Sammul has a "type" that he looks for in girls- weak ones who needs his help. I think the reason he fell for her is because she reminds him of Fiona Sit's character in which she looked up to him and needed his help to improve her skills to become a police officer. Even though their romance moved too quickly, it also makes sense because he longs for a family, which would be the only thing missing in his life.

The Love Interests: Elanne Kong vs Kaki Leung
Who did a better job? It would have to be Elanne by a mile, but it's also due to the fact that she had a more interesting character. Elanne was surprisingly good for her debut TVB series since it was very natural for the most part and she's very cute. Kaki had the more annoying role because she's so boring and weak, but she did an okay job with it. I've never heard of her before so I don't know how she got such a plum role, but I kinda wish it was another actress because I think someone with better acting skills could have brought more to the role and add to the chemistry with Sammul. In my head, Leila Tong would have been perfect for this role, but even Kaki could not make me think anything less of this series. Before this series, there was a lot of negative rumors around Elanne, but most of it has been erased with this role. Now, I see her on a ton of magazine covers and I could tell her popularity has grown.

The New Veterans:

Michael Miu- I think he was perfect for this role. I didn't mind at all that they put him back after dying in the first series because they did explain him as a brand new character. I liked how they introduced him because they made you think he might be a good guy, along with the fact that he "looks like" Sammul's dad from the first series, make you automatically like him. It was good that it showed the audience throughout the series why he is the way he ends up because he doesn't end up being just the villian that everyone hates. Even through all the bad deeds, I couldn't help but still like him and feel sorry for him. Also, I love Michael's cool look and thinks he is still so handsome!

Kathy Chow- This is her first series since returning to TVB and I thought she did a great job! Other TVB returns that were highly touted were Ida Chan and Anita Yuen, but both their debuts were really disappointing because honestly, their acting was not that great. Kathy did a fantastic job, even though some of her crying was a little weird to me but that's just my opinion. Her death was especially sad since she gave up everything to follow her heart. She forgave Michael for killing her first husband, for not trusting her, and even him killing her due to his mistrust. Even though she knew she was foolish for going back to him, she didn't regret it because at least she can die knowing that the man she loves also loves her back.

Michael Tse- I am saving the best for last. Michael Tse used his terrific acting skills to breathe life into his Laughing character to leave a deep impression on all the viewers. Everything about this was perfect, or at least for me it was. Laughing is like a clown because he laughs on the outside, but he has to mask his sadness and his real self ever since having to go undercover. From the moment he walked in, he was a scene stealer. Like Kathy, he had to give up everything in his life for one goal, which also led to his tragic death. Everything about him was so mysterious and I was always feeling like I had to question his motives. For instance, I could never tell if his feelings for Kathy was true or not. His intentions seemed real because of the looks he would give her and everything he did for her, but I realize he probably was only using her to get close to Michael Miu. In the end, he was relieved to finally be able to be with Aimee Chan in heaven since his feelings for her never disappeared.

In that sense, he was a much better undercover than Ron Ng because he didn't let his emotions get in the way of doing his job. Even when Ron thought that he figured out his identity, he didn't give himself away. When Ron followed him to the pier, Michael figures out his undercover status and beats him up. It would have been easy to admit to him that they are really working together, but by beating him up instead, it was his way of warning him that there is nothing glamorous about being an undercover and that he has to work harder at covering up his identity because if it was someone else, Ron would have been dead by now.

His death was very emotional and one of the best part of the series. No, of course I didn't want Laughing to die, but I think the way they did it was really good because it involved the characters we cared about and it moved the story along. I found other recent TVB deaths to be quite pointless other than to try and make it sad, but this one was sad because it pulled at the heartstrings. I loved the fact that they showed that Laughing was almost able to become a cop again, but he likes to leave things up to fate and his lucky coin which decided for him that he should go back undercover. The proud look on his face with his uniform on made it even more heartbreaking to know that he was so close to being recognized as a police officer but eventually died for the cause instead.

It doesn't matter if his death was real or not to me because the emotional impact was there. I'm also glad that the new TVB clip they filmed of Laughing left it up to the viewers whether they believed he was dead or alive instead of saying one or the other. If they had definitely said that he lives (which is what I think will happen if they film a 4th part), I think it would have made the series seem a little incomplete since I would have wanted to see some reactions to knowing that he's alive. I'm just happy that they didn't pull a "D.I.E." change in ending which was to make it totally ridiculous just to bring someone back to life.

Moments I Loved:
The ending- I was so excited throughout the whole series and the only thing that could have made me change my mind was the ending, and it did not disappoint. I liked how they brought everything full circle, from the way Michael Miu tried to dare Sammul to shoot him since killing him would be like killing his dad, to how Michael got run over. The reason he got captured was due to the drugs the kids were on, which is most likely ones that his triads sold them. I also like the very end where it shows that Ron and Sammul are back to working together again- it gave me a happy feeling.

The fun banter between Sammul and Ron in the first episode- they act like an old married couple.

I was glad that it only took a few episodes for Sammul to realize that Ron is an undercover but still believed in him before he did. I would have hated if there was enough trust between them now and let this tear up their friendship.

Ron never wavered between right and wrong and what his mission as an undercover was. It was due to the strong police training he had and the influence of Michael Tse and Lei Sir. He realized that his mentors had sacrificed their lives for what is right and he should follow in their example. His moral compass never wavered because of the strong influence they had on his life.

The love triangle between Michael Miu, Kathy Chow, and Michael Tse- At one point, Tse flipped a coin and left it to fate to show Kathy who she should choose. The winner of the coin toss would have been Tse, except that Kathy followed her heart and chose Miu instead. Because of this, she lost her life for the man she loved.

Things I Disliked:

There weren't that many, but there were a few characters that got annoying. To me, the ones I didn't like was Kaki Leung and the older officer who she looked up to. I get that it's supposed to represent the dynamics in the first series with how Michael Miu (as Sammul's dad) gave tough love to Ron and Sammul, but they just ended up bugging me instead. Other than that, there were a few minor things that I didn't like as well, but none of it mattered since the overall story was so good!

There are so many great moments to this series but if I listed it all, I would have basically retold the whole storyline. I really loved this whole series and I recommend this to everyone, especially those who might have given up on TVB series since a lot of them have been a let-down. The bad news is that this series was so good to me that the newer ones don't seem to live up to what a great series E.U. was.

Apr 8, 2009

(More) Michael Tse

Okay, I'm still working on my post for E.U. but I've been really busy. I have it mostly done, but I'm having a hard time expressing how much I love Michael Tse in this role! If I maintain my brain freeze on this item, I'll just post up my thoughts this weekend the way it is now. In the meantime, enjoy him on the cover of TVB Weekly! I can tell that the cover was originally going to be of Ron, Elanne, Michael Miu, and Kathy since there is another special feature of them inside. However, the popularity of Laughing pushed him to the front cover and I'm so happy for him!

From TVB Weekly Issue 613

Apr 5, 2009

E.U. Ending- DVD vs TV Ending

Since I only rent my TVB series, at first I only got to see the original DVD version of the ending where they did not add the Laughing ending yet. However, they recently released a 2nd disc that shows the last episode but this time with the last scene. Even though I found the last clip on Youtube, I still wanted to rent it again since I wanted to see if they made any other changes. The only thing that happened was that they cut off a few seconds starting from the 41 minute mark, such as any type of silent transitions that made the pace go slightly faster. Also the musical score was a little different which made Ron coming out to join Sammul's team a little less dramatic. Of course, they also added the scene where you see Michael in a police uniform saying that "whether Laughing is dead or alive, Laughing will never be gone. Once a cop, always a cop. There is nothing to fear in the police uniform, especially with all the other police officers that have your back. Remember my name- Laughing Sir!"

(I was about to post up the clip but they've been taken down already! Boo!)

Which one is better? I liked the original one because I like how it ends up with Sammul and Ron together, since they are technically the main stars of the shows. It also reminds me of how they ended On The First Beat in which it ends with the police still having to patrol.

The second one was good too because it brought back the popular Laughing character, which many fans wanted, but without making it too unrealistic like how they changed the ending for D.I.E. Even though it was short, it did give it a little more excitement and the ratings that TVB wanted. Also, I liked how they let you keep how your mind imagined if Laughing died or stayed alive by not definitively saying that he is back from the dead or not (well, not until they film the 4th series that is). It also keeps people wanting more because now a lot of people are anticipating the next part of the series which I like since I really liked all 3 parts so far and I like Ron and Sammul's character. I'm hoping they can merge The Academy series with the Detective Investigation Files series so that they can both give me a final ending! C'mon, Louis Koo still owes a few episodes and Sunny, Jessica, and Charmaine are still there! I can always hope, right?

Apr 1, 2009

Laughing Gor Movie! Yay!

Thanks to KTVB's latest post, I was pleasantly suprised to hear that there will be a movie about Michael Tse's character from E.U.- Laughing. From the clip, the movie will basically be a prequel to show how he went from becoming a cop to an undercover. I also wonder if Aimee Chan will be in this since she played his girlfriend when they were in the academy together. I think that this is the first time that I've heard of a role being so popular that there will be a movie made on this! I am super super excited because I think Michael is so talented and it shows how much power the fans can have since over 100,000 joined his character's facebook page. On the other hand, you can kinda see that the artists has no choice on what roles or shows they will be doing since they negotiated the deal without Michael's input but I disgress. Michael's reaction is so cute since he thinks it's an April Fools joke.

Apr 1, 2009

Man In Charge

This series does not look too exciting to me but I do want to see Leila and Kenneth together! You can tell that this was filmed a while ago because you can see the little baby fat in Kate's cheeks. Compare it to the promotional clips they filmed below.

Kenneth's character

Kate's character

Leila's character

I'm still in a giddy mood from E.U. and The Winter Melon Tale is really cute so far so I'm hoping that TVB is on a roll and the good shows continue!