Jun 30, 2009
Quick Thoughts
Jun 30, 2009
Off Pedder Episode 166
Jun 19, 2009
I love Raymond but...
Jun 19, 2009
Raymond Lam "If Time Has Come"
Jun 16, 2009
Raymond Lam "Let's Get Wet" MV
A few comments:
- I wish they got rid of the Rihanna-esque "eh-eh-ehs"
- I kept expecting those guys to start dancing. Why else have them there? Unless they're there to make Raymond Lam look even more handsome in comparison? hehe
- Raymond shirtless!
Jun 15, 2009
My Favorite Series (Ever!)

My favorite series of all time is Survivor's Law. It was the perfect combination of drama and comedy and it also had a great cast. There were four main characters (Raymond Lam, Myolie Wu, Sammul Chan, and Bernice Liu) in which the series showcased each character's strengths and weaknesses and made you care about all of them. It also had a great love triangle/square that progressed quite nicely. This series is the main reason that I am a BIG Rayolie fan! Everything about them was so cute and I loved every scene they were in together. I was always anxious to watch what was next even if nothing "big" was happening because it's more character driven rather thn plot drive. In fact, the whole storyline was that way because it never seemed like the pace went too slow or too fast, where cases are interwoven in an interesting way. While a lot of detective/lawyer series have individual cases, the characters are somewhat forgotten to solve the mystery. For these cases, they move along the whole story while revealing why each character is the way they are.
Because I love this series so much, I can overlook some of the weaker acting (Bernice), and that's why the four of them are some of my favorite actors. I could go over my favorite parts of the series but then I would just be repeating the whole thing! There are so many highlights for me but I guess the main one would be when Raymond is trying to knit Myolie's purse and scarf! So cute!
The ending was also perfect to me, and that's why I choose to ignore that Survivor's Law 2 ever happened. haha. I hated the sequel for many reasons, though I'm sure if I never watched the first one, I might have enjoyed it more. The main thing was that it ruined the happily ever after when they could have just done a sequel with all new characters or something. Also, Sammul's hair is hideous in the second one!
In general, if you've never seen this series before, I highly reccommend it! Here's the summary from Yesasia (since I'm bad at summarizing! hehe):
From Files of Justice to Legal Entanglement, TVB has found quite a bit of success with legal dramas, and one of the most memorable recent entries in the genre has to be the 2003 series Survivor's Law. Featuring four up-and-coming stars in the leading roles, Survivor's Law turned into a surprisingly big hit, confirming the rise of TVB's next generation. Raymond Lam, Sammul Chan, Myolie Wu, and Bernice Liu star as rookie lawyers of very different backgrounds and personalities who end up at the same law firm and battle out challenging court cases together. The entertaining drama's great supporting cast includes veterans Hui Siu Hung, Liu Kai Chi, Felix Lok, and Helen Tam; other young stars like Sharon Chan, Chris Lai, Kenneth Ma, and singer Juno Mak in his one TVB drama; and movie actress Ruby Wong in a rare television appearance. Survivor's Law returned for a second season in 2007 with a slightly different cast.
With his casual dress, unconventional work methods, and laidback attitude, Lok Bun (Raymond Lam) doesn't exactly fit into the usual image of a lawyer, but he has a warm heart and a head full of unexpected ideas. The polar opposite of Lok Bun, Ching Ling (Myolie Wu) is extremely serious and thorough about her work, but sometimes lets emotions affect her judgment. A rising star in the field, the ambitious and strong-minded Wai Ming (Sammul Chan) becomes colleagues with Lok Bun and Ching Ling because he wants to escape the restrictions and hierarchy of a big firm. Completing the team is timid Si Ga (Bernice Liu) who puts love before work. The four young lawyers go through the trials and triumphs of practicing law together, but their friendship is put to the test by romantic conflicts, career ambitions, and cases that hit too close to home.
Jun 14, 2009
Currently Watching
Off Pedder
I am currently really loving this series! Maybe it's because of my infatuation with everything Wayne Lai (haha), but when I rent my series, this is always the first one I pop in. Him and Teresa Mo have really good chemistry and I'm currently waiting for their relationship to develop further. Also, I'm beginning to really like Aimee Chan. I have a feeling she's going to be TVB's next fadan they will push, especially since she's following in Bernice Liu and Linda Chung's path of starting off in a long sitcom first.
A Great Way To Care
As I mentioned earlier, the theme song really creeps me out! This series is a mix of Placebo Cure and any random detective/police series in which they mix the two to solve some mysteries by exploring the workings of the human mind or psychological issues. The cast is kinda blah but there is Raymond Wong here to be my eye candy. I'll wait a while to see if the story is any good, because it's not looking great so far.However, watching this confuses me when I'm watch Threshold of a Persona since a few of the supporting characters are the same.
The Threshold of a Persona
The story is okay so far. I'm just waiting to see how they get rid of Roger's wife because I'm anxious to see how he and Yoyo Mung get together (hehe). I'm really trying to recall what has happened so far but I can't remember much- that's not a good thing! The storyline is basically mixed in with a lot of immigration issues and investigations, but nothing that exciting is happening right now to get me really into the series. Oh! The one thing that stands out for me is Roger's hair- why is it curly?
Am I the only one totally loving Off Pedder? I wonder if the other people are finding the other 2 series more interesting..
Jun 10, 2009
A Great Way To Care
I'm starting to watch this right now as I write this but from the opening theme video, I don't know why it just seems kinda scary. Maybe it's the song? I think the only thing I'm excited for is to see Raymond Wong. I find Alex Fong totally boring! And I hated his last series- the dreary The Building Blocks of Life (and this one has Timmy Hung as well- is that a bad sign?).
Jun 6, 2009
Just Love 2 Pairings

Jun 6, 2009
Myolie Wu and Kate Tsui
Jun 4, 2009
Joyce Tang

Now, she seems like she is back with a vengence. Most of her roles are second lead and not main lead but she has a lot more spark in her newer roles. I kind of like her in these type of bitchy roles because she brings a lot of attitude to them and she no longer plays these wallflower types. Her fake/real romance with Derek Kwok is really cute and they had a lot of chemistry in War of In Laws 2. My favorite scene is probably how he proposed to her- adorable! I'm currently watching her in Just Love 2 and though she doesn't have too much screen time, she's very interesting to watch. Did I mention that she's gorgeous? Her best look so far was in King of Snookers with her long curly hair, and she was my favorite (maybe the only thing I liked) from that series. I'm looking forward to seeing more from her in the future and hopefully she gets back to main lead soon!