Oct 30, 2013

2014 TVB Calendar

Wow, this year's calendar came out a lot better than I expected. I was a little scared when I first heard of the sports theme, but the overall outcome is pretty cool. Everything looks really thought out and I really like a lot of the colors and costumes in these pictures. There are little things I could nitpick on, but overall, I say great job!

Each picture has the number representing what month the picture is for. Can you spot it in all the pictures?

January: Priscilla Wong, Mandy Wong, Sire Ma, Christine Kuo, Natalie Wong, Ron Ng, Bosco Wong, Linda Chung
Nice backdrop, although it's a little weird that Linda seems so much bigger than everyone. haha. I don't know why, but at first glance, I thought that was Tavia! 

Click below to check out the rest!

Oct 30, 2013

Bounty Hunter Official Poster

I really like this poster! I'm just surprised it's airing so fast since it feels like they just finished filming it. It's most likely that they want to add Kate to the mix for TV Queen.

Oct 20, 2013

Grace Wong- If I Believe

Grace Wong has her own song courtesy of a collaboration between TVB and EEG Music company. It's called If I Believe and is part of the gospel cd: Love 4 Real. I actually glanced at the cover on YesAsia a few days ago and thought that the girl on the left looked like Grace Wong, but for some reason I didn't actually believe it was her! This doesn't mean that she is signed to EEG, but if there is a good reception, I can imagine them or another record company wanting to sign her. She was one of the many stars of Voice of Stars (along with Fred Cheng, Ronald Law, and Corinna Chamberlain) who saw a jump in popularity due to participating in the series. Check out the Mandarin song below:

Oct 14, 2013

Congratulations Fred Cheng!

First, I want to say congratulations to Fred Cheng on winning The Voice of Stars! It was a very well deserved win and he had many fantastic vocals and performances on the show. I've been a fan of his since I saw him on Shine on You and Love Bond and I knew that he was a good singer and guitar player since I saw a few youtube videos of him performing at a wedding. Though I knew he was talented, I didn't really expect him to blow up because he would get really small roles in series- not really even big enough to be considered a supporting actor. He was actually in Triumph in the Skies 2, but he only had about 2 scenes. When I saw his name for the first episode of The Voice of Stars, I knew that more people would know of him because of his voice, but I was pleasantly surprised when his popularity skyrocketed! He reminds me of a shyer Oscar Leung (who I also really like) who worked hard for 10 years before blowing up. I think that's why Oscar was rooting so hard for Fred- they were friends who started out at the same time and had the same career trajectory.

Anyways, here's Fred singing his last song before being announced as winner. I can only find audio since I'm sure any videos were taken down. He did a great job.

Next up for Fred? He is currently filming Midas Touch with Bosco Wong, Nancy Wu, Kate Tsui, and Sharon Chan. He also filmed a series presentation clip for Eye in the Sky in which he will portray a cop. We will also be hearing new music from him very soon since he will sing the theme song of The Verbal Side of Court with Kristal Tin. This is the Roger Kwok/Kristal Tin series that will be airing in December. Hopefully, we will be hearing news of a record deal very soon!

Oct 10, 2013

太監五虎 Eunuch Five Tigers Sales Presentation Filming

太監五虎 Eunuch Five Tigers filmed some scenes for the sales presentation. This will include original cast members Wayne Lai, Raymond Wong, Edwin Siu, Raymond Cho, Power Chan, and Nancy Wu.

More pictures...

Oct 10, 2013

天眼 Eye in the Sky Sales Presentation Filming

Ruco Chan, Fred Cheng, Kenny Wong, Tony Hung, Matt Yeung, and Vivien Yeo filmed a sales presentation for 天眼 Eye in the Sky.

eta: Tavia Yeung is also filming for the series presentation and it looks like this will be a cop series. 

Oct 10, 2013

再戰明天 Battle of Tomorrow Sales Presentation Filming

Kate Tsui and Lawrence Ng filmed some scenes for the sales presentation of 再戰明天 Battle of Tomorrow. This series is about correctional officers and they will portray 2 colleagues who end up falling in love.

More pics...

Oct 7, 2013

使陡行者 The Apostle Walker Sales Presentation Filming

Raymond Lam filmed some scenes for the sales presentation of The Apostle Walker 使陡行者 in which he be an undercover cop. This series also stars Michael Miu, Charmaine Sheh, Elena Kong, Sharon Chan, and Sammy Leung.

A few more pictures
eta: added some pictures of Michael Miu and Sharon Chan filming some scenes

Oct 7, 2013

水髮胭脂 Water and Rouge Sales Presentation Filming

Wayne Lai, Joyce Koi, Matthew Ko, Katy Kung, and Joey Law filmed some clips for Water and Rouge 水髮胭脂. Joyce will portray a Cantonese opera singer who is not used to acting more feminine in real life. This will be a comedy

Some more pics

Oct 5, 2013

New series to be filmed in January- 使徒行者

The new drama 使徒行者 will start filming in January with Charmaine Sheh's return to TVB. It will also star Michael Miu, Raymond Lam, Elena Kong, Sharon Chan, and Sammy Leung so far. It will have a gangster theme and will be produced by Man Wai Hung.

(This should be the series that Tony Leung Ka Fai was originally going to film before he pulled out due to an injury. It was originally called 只爭朝夕and was supposed to focus on the police, so I'm not sure how much of the script is changing.)

Oct 4, 2013

TVB 46th Lighting Ceremony

The cast of Brother's Keeper, Come Home Love, The Hippocratic Crush II, Will Power, and Voice of Stars gathered together for the 46th Lighting Ceremony. 

(Fala Chen was also there but I'm not sure why she isn't in the above picture. Maybe this picture she got there afterwards or left before this was taken? She's in the picture below next to Ruco Chan on the bottom right.)

Some more pictures...

Oct 3, 2013

The Hippocratic Crush II Official Poster

The Hippocratic Crush II will begin airing on November 4 at the 8:30pm timeslot. 

Oct 2, 2013

醋娘子 Vinegar Lady Sales Presentation Filming

Myolie Wu, Ron Ng, Him Law, Eliza Sam, Alice Chan, Derek Kwok, Koni Lui, etc. gathered to film clips for the 醋娘子 Vinegar Lady sales presentation. This series will begin filming in November.

Myolie and Ron look so cute together!

More weibo pictures...

Oct 2, 2013

大藥坊 Pharmaceutical Square Sales Presentation Filming

The cast for 大藥坊 Pharmaceutical Square gathered to film clips for the upcoming sales presentation. Linda Chung will play a doctor in pre-modern times and will be involved in a love square with Ruco Chan, Raymond Wong, and Natalie Tong.

A few more pictures...