Aug 31, 2009

Marriages Revealed

Wow, I didn't realize that so many Hong Kong stars hide their marriages and relationships. To be honest, I don't think it should affect their image as much anymore as it did even 10 years ago. A lot of people seem to enjoy pairings (for me, I really want Bosco and Myolie together in real life) and I think their fans would be happy for them. Here are a few recent relationships I found out about.

1. Miriam Yeung and Real Ting (married in Las Vegas)
2. Leon Lai and Gaile Lok (married a year and a half ago)
3. Andy Lau and Carol Zhu (rumored for 20 years but only recently had a picture of them holding hands; they are now married and she is most likely pregnant)
4. Jade Kwan will get married soon
5. Myolie Wu and Bosco Wong (still rumored to be together after going on vacation together along with a group of friends)
5. Vincent Wong and Yoyo Chen (tabloid pictures of them kissing by the pool; now rumored to be living together)

Those are just a few of them but there are a lot of TVB actors that are rumored together that I hope is true. I want them to find happiness and it's hard to find someone that would understand their lifestyle so I think 2 actors would work well together.

Aug 25, 2009

Michael Tse (info)

If you're watching "You're Hired" and wondering when Michael Tse appears, he finally shows up on episode 11! It's only 22 episodes long so I was kinda surprised that he only appears in half the series. Perhaps it's because he became that much more popular now, they are using him to promote the series. So far, the whole storyline is pretty cute and it's a good series so hopefully the rest does not disappoint.

In other news, Michael Tse is joining the upcoming series with Chilam, Tavia, and Myolie! You guys have no idea how excited I am about this cast so far, especially since these are some of my favorites. Filming will start in October.

Also, I know that this is sort of old news but the Laughing Gor movie is now out and I'm still excited to watch it. I'm trying to avoid all other news of this since I hate spoilers but it's probably going to be a short while before they release this to the U.S.

Aug 15, 2009

有意 Kevin Cheng & Myolie Wu

This song actually had to grow on me because when I first heard it, I just thought it was okay. However, when you watch Burning Flames 3 and hear this song used throughout the series, it makes a lot of sense and I slowly began to fall in love with it. Go Kevolie!

Aug 11, 2009

Myolie MV- Love Delusion

This is Myolie's video for 戀愛妄想. Here are the 2 versions. The first one is TVB's version and the bottom is Neway's official version, which I like better. Which one do you like more?

Aug 11, 2009

I'm Back!

I haven't blogged in what feels like forever! I've been busy with work, but now I'm excited to go back to posting in a somewhat more regular basis. Here's a small preview of what I'm going to be posting soon:
  • Some TVB Magazine scans (these might be old since I have 6 issues that I haven't even looked at yet)
  • Quick thoughts on A Bride For A Ride and other series that I might have missed
  • Thoughts on Burning Flames 3 so far
  • Raymond Lam Concert DVD