Apr 30, 2012

Kenneth Ma Photo Shoot

Hong Kong actor Kenneth Ma has a high-priced renewal of a male skin care brand. This is the sixth year that he endorses them.

More pictures

Apr 30, 2012

House of Harmony and Vengeance - 耀舞長安

The first episode just aired. I'm excited to see the dancing!

Pictures from the promotional event below:

Apr 1, 2012

Myolie filming another series in Mainland China

Since filming for Triumph in the Skies 2 will not begin filming until May/June, Myolie Wu took the opportunity to film another series in Mainland China. She will be portraying a female detective.

Apr 1, 2012

Gloves Come Off Official Poster?

I'm not sure if this is the official poster but here's one featuring Kevin Cheng and Raymond Wong. Gloves Come Off will be 25 episodes long and will begin airing April 16th.