Aug 28, 2012

Casper Chan Botox Job

Casper Chan recently got an endorsement deal in which she has to get botox on her nose and chin to show off the results... and I think she looks horrible! I don't know how this will convince people to get this procedure. I don't know if part of the reason she did this is to get more acting opportunities, but there's nothing special about her acting so I don't really see her moving up beyond minor acting roles. What do you think of her makeover? If you were paid to get botox on your nose and chin, would you? 


  1. OMG I don't think I would've been able to recognize that it was Casper Chan if you didn't mention it in the post! She use to be so cute....but she looks alot older in the bottom picture. T_T

  2. I know! She looks really horrible. I wonder if it will go back to normal once to botox wears out.

  3. she kinda looks like yvonne lam after the botox...

  4. she looks like charmaine eww
